Yep. Today was the day! Zorro was hitched to the travois for the first time!
He handled it like an old pro. This will be a picture heavy post and at the end… a video! If you have any questions about the way I hitch him to the travois, about his harness or about why I do things this way please feel free to ask below in the comments or shoot me an email. I LOVE questions as they typically lead to more blog posts!
Yes he is now a grown up. But he will always have a baby face. And my dog. Be still my heart!
I’m just so proud of him!
Walking along together.
Someone pulled into a driveway behind us and he wanted to be a lookie-lou.
Our shadows.
OMG. That face!
OMG. That view!
Another mile and we’ll be home!
Just standing around posing for the camera.
And the video!