Today was the day to hitch Sky and Zorro to the tire drag! I hauled them 2 hours to my friend Carrie's indoor arena and she helped me set everything all up.
She checked the harness and my team lines, helped me with some questions I had. Then watched me ground them, to be sure they were working well together, staying in line and that Sky's inside line wasn't getting pulled on at all, while also checking that Zorro's outside line wasn't too short, pulling his head to the outside.
Once we had everything all set then we hitched them to the drag!
They did so great! I was super proud of them. Sky was so chill in the indoor. I was impressed with her walk today! She kept up with Zorro wonderfully. I came home and told Handsome Hubby that Sky would like it if we would build her an indoor arena... He said no, for now ;) We started with the 4 tires on the drag but the tires were grabbing so much of the arena footing that it had quite a bit of drag on it. I didn't want to over face Sky and cause her to be anxious so we took two tires off. They were much happier then! I'm wondering how the drag will work on the grass... if I will need the weight of the 4 tires or if they will do best with 2.
I'm glad my drag is so easy to adjust! All three Fjords pulled them today...
and so did Molly's little girls!
I was such a great day! We got a lot done and I feel far more confident with my set up, my ponies and my ability to drive them as a team!!
There were several mentions of a vehicle for a pair... time will tell I suppose! I know pairs vehicles are expensive so I will have to keep an eye out for an affordable option for Sky and Zorro. We will be content with the tire drag and the sled for now!
Next up... a blog all about the team lines! I have a lot of work to do to make that post but I will do it soon!!