I know there are some big life changes coming in 2021, I am going to face them quietly and slowly. Looking for the peace in each new thing the word Softness. And though 2020 threw quite a few curve balls at us, I do think I managed to settle into my word very well. 2020 was a life changing year for me both physically (I have lost 75 pounds so far!! 15 more to go to get to my goal weight of 130 pounds) and emotionally.
This year as I navigated through having COVID (and sailing through just fine!) to learning to say NO to people who were looking to get things from me, to spending quality time with my ponies and then taking a much needed break, I kept thinking about my word of the year, Softness, and what I would like my word of the year to be for 2021. I finally settled on:
slow: adjective
--> not hasty or precipitate - spending more time being in the moment, looking around myself and appreciating exactly where I am.
--> moving, flowing or proceeding without speed or at less than usual speed - taking more time to breath. I need to stop holding my breath and forging ahead with my head down, shoulders forward and just GOING. It's time to stop, look around, take a breathe or two or three and then maybe sit down and enjoy the view.
--> taking more time than is expected or desired - exactly what I said above, taking the time to breathe through each stage, through each thing and maybe even stopping to smell the flowers!
This year I plan to spend many hours in the mountains with Oliver and Zorro, hiking and driving and exploring. I want to do some camping but am going to limit my trips, as I spend too much time driving my car. That means more camping and exploring close to home!
I will continue to eat healthy, be peaceful and find more ways to take care of myself so I can be better for my ponies and for my family.
I know there are some big life changes coming in 2021, I am going to face them quietly and slowly. Looking for the peace in each new thing.
What's your word of the year? How do you think it will help you navigate this new year differently?